Telling the history and culture of Italy: values, innovation, uniqueness, products born from a boundless love for our own land, for care and attention to the good and the beautiful.
Carlo del Re: an identity without roots and face

His history begins in the far MiddleAges, during the time of courtly love, when nobility and chivalry characterized the adventures of paladins. Carlo del Re embodies the courage and the valor of the ancient knights which has been handed down through the generations.
He combines contaminations of the past with innovative future-looking inspirations, giving birth to an inner storm guiding him towards change. A new era has come: a full-of-pleasure lifestyle always connected to well-being. Conviviality translates into new experimentations.
The endless love for the past concentrates in the care of the land and his invaluable vineyard, which is located on top of a wonderful sun-kissed hillside caressed by the wind. A fertile and lush land that allows the creation of unique produce.
I am very tied to the story of my family and to my noble origins. They begin during the Middle Ages for which I have a great interest. I do not desire appearing: my creative and innovative soul makes me express myself through what I do. Things you can taste, enjoy and know are the result of an inner turmoil leading me to always do better and more.
I would like to be considered as a lover of the good and the beautiful. I hope not to mislead you: I would like to please you with enjoyable moments that you can live in serenity by yourself or with your friends.
Aggregation is the power of our products: you should be the actors of such feelings and moments, this is my pleasure.
To my friends
Carlo del Re.